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Bear Aware: Working in Bear Country

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Bear Aware: Working in Bear Country

Course Overview:

Bears are fascinating creatures that are generally quite peaceful, but they are also powerful carnivores capable of doing great damage to property as well as human beings, and should be treated with respect. This course covers general bear facts as well as discussing safety procedures for personnel working in the field, and the proper procedures for setting up and maintaining a safe camp.

Who Should Take the Course?

This course is designed for anyone working in bear country.  

Course Objectives:

Ultimately, the objective of Bear Aware: Working in Bear Country is to reduce your chances of a bear encounter, as well as to reduce the number of bears that have to be destroyed due to do bear-human conflicts. 
This course is presented in 2 modules: 
1. The Bear Essentials 
2. Working in Bear Country 

Evaluation Process:

At the end of the module, there is a test. Participants that do not achieve 100% can review the module content and try as many times as necessary to complete the course. Test questions are randomly selected from a test bank, making each test unique. 

Upon successfully completing all modules, there is a printable certificate for your records.

Course Duration:

This online course is self-paced. Participants may leave the course at anytime and can resume where they left off. The duration will depend on the individual participant and their prior knowledge of the subject matter. On average, the course will take between 1 - 2 hours to complete.
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$ 20.00

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